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Our address

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Calle Héroe Bartolomé Cayuela, nº2, 30850 Totana (Murcia), Spain.
TLF: 34 682 80 98 87

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APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA recognizes the importance of protecting the personal information of its users and clients and of keeping it confidential and secure in accordance with current regulations.
This privacy policy describes the treatment of the data of our users and customers collected through (“Website”), by phone or any other communication channel, so we recommend our users and customers That you carefully read this privacy policy so that you provide APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA with personal data that may require you to be fully informed, in particular about the mandatory delivery of data and the purpose of its processing.
Likewise, we inform you that in the future, modifications to this privacy policy may be made in order to ensure constant respect for the applicable regulations to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments.

Basic Information on Data Protection

Purpose: provision of tourist apartment rental services.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.
Recipients Assignments: State security forces and bodies.
International transfers: International data transfers are not expected.
Rights: Access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, explained in the additional information.
Provenance: Of the interested party.

Detailed information on Data Protection

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
Identity: MARÍA SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, NIF: 23234427B Postal address: C / Vidal Abarca, nº 8, esc Iz, 2ºA, 30850 Totana, Murcia, Country: ES Telephone: 34 682809887 Email: Protection Delegate Data (DPD)

For what purpose do we treat your personal data?
In APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA we treat the information provided by interested persons in order to provide tourist rental housing services, as well as send commercial communications, by any means, including electronic, related to the services we provide, of special interest for you, related to the above purposes.

How long will we keep your data?
The data will be kept as long as the professional relationship is maintained, and where appropriate, during the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
Consent of the interested party

To which recipients will your data be communicated?
No data will be transferred to third parties, except State Security Forces and Corps.

Data transfers to third countries?
No international data transfers will be made

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether in LA BASTIDA APARTMENTS we are processing personal data that concerns them, or not. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected. In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. In this case, APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. You may materially exercise your rights as follows: You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, indicated in the additional information, which you can exercise by contacting the address of the person responsible for the treatment If you have given your consent for any specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. In case you feel your rights are violated in relation to the protection of your personal data, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a claim with the competent Data Protection Control Authority through from his website:

How have we obtained your data?
The personal data that we treat in APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA comes from the interested party or his legal representative. The categories of data that are processed are: Identification data: Name, ID, Postal and electronic address, Telephone, Financial information, we collect the data necessary to process payments and issue invoices, such as your bank details: account number, number NIF - VAT, credit cards.

Other typical data: Personal characteristics Special categories of personal data are treated (those data that reveal ethnic or racial origin, biometric data aimed at uniquely identifying a natural person).

Others, by contacting APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA, APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA collects and processes communications. During calls with our Customer Service team, it is possible to listen in real time or record such calls for quality checks and training purposes, including the use of recordings for claims resolution purposes. and fraud detection. Recordings are kept for a limited time and are automatically deleted, unless APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA has a legitimate interest in saving such recordings for a longer period of time, as grounds for fraud investigation and other legal reasons.
The processing of the personal data of the user who visits and consults the Website is limited to the so-called 'navigation data', that is, those data that are necessarily transmitted to the Website by action of the computer systems responsible for its administration and Internet communication protocols. The navigation data includes, for example, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the user connecting to the Website, in addition to a series of parameters related to the type of operating system used by the user. The navigation data cited above as well as for example, the number or duration of visits to the Website, are collected and processed by APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA only and exclusively for statistical purposes and anonymously as well as to verify the correct functioning of the Website and improve its operation.
- Through the Website, through the use of cookies. A cookie is a very small text file that a web server can save on a computer's hard drive to store some type of information about the user. It can only be read by the website that sent it to the team. These devices are associated exclusively with a single user and their own access device. Cookies are files sent by the website and stored in the user's browser through a web server for the maintenance of the browsing session by storing their IP address (from their computer) and other possible browsing data. It is understood that the user gives his consent for the fact of using and continuing to navigate through the Website, except to the extent that he has modified the configuration of his browser to refuse the use of them.
Cookies are files sent by the website and stored in the user's browser through a web server for the maintenance of the browsing session by storing their IP address (from their computer) and other possible browsing data.
Types of Cookies used on our Website
a) Technical cookies: they are strictly necessary for the operation of the Website.
b) Personalization cookies: they are used to facilitate navigation on the Website, to remember the options you have chosen on it and to provide more personalized functionalities.
c) Analytical cookies for statistical activity and traffic measurement: they collect information about the use of the Website, the pages that are visited and possible errors that may occur during navigation. These cookies do not contain personal data.
d) Cookies for advertising purposes: they are used to collect information in order to make advertising more interesting for you and to display advertisements on the Website or on third-party sites or other online advertising campaigns. Most of these cookies are "third party cookies", so they are cookies from entities outside of us.
e) Social cookies: which are necessary to interact with the widgets of social networks such as Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.
By modifying the browser settings you can disable cookies or receive a warning before accepting one or deleting all installed cookies. Each browser has different procedures to manage its configuration, so here are how to manage cookies in the main browsers:
We also invite our users and customers to consult the following website where they can find useful information about the use of cookies and about the measures they can take to protect their privacy on the Internet.
In addition to what has already been specified, users and / or customers expressly authorize APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA to use the personal data provided for the following purposes:
Collection, conservation and elaboration of the data for the purpose of establishing and operating and administrative management of the contractual relationship connected with the provision of the LA BASTIDA APARTMENTS Service, including the use of such data for sending communications related to the development of the service contracted to through email, SMS or any other means of communication.
Compliance with legal obligations
Sending commercial communications through email or other equivalent electronic means of communication, about similar products or services similar to those offered by APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA in the terms provided in Art. 21 of Law 34/2002 of services of the society of Information. Sometimes, these commercial communications may be sent in a personalized way.
Sending “The best offers”: without prejudice to the provisions of the previous section, and only with the express consent of the user, APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA will process the data for sending via email, telephone, postal mail, SMS, MMS or any equivalent means of communication, of the best offers on any type of product and service marketed by APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA.
The processing of the data for this purpose is optional and the user will be expressly requested to receive the best offers as described above. If this consent is not given APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA will not send the commercial offers referred to in this section.

The delivery of the requested data at the time of booking is mandatory for the reservation process to end. However, in the data collection forms, those data considered necessary for the requested services are marked with an asterisk.

The users and customers of APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA guarantee and respond, in any case, the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. Likewise, users and customers recognize that, in the event that they do not provide their data in a true and updated way, APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA will be unable to provide the services requested by them.
Finally, users and clients declare that they are of legal age or have the corresponding authorization from their legal representatives.

APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA undertakes to fulfill its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to treat them with confidentiality, and assumes, for these purposes, the technical, organizational and security measures necessary to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, and other applicable legislation. However, users and customers should be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable, so APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA cannot guarantee the total and absolute inviolability of its data files, nor the perfect functioning of its protection mechanisms. and security

Users and / or customers can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation provided for in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data and other regulations applicable for this purpose, by contacting APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA Attaching a copy of the DNI by writing to the email or to the address Calle Vidal Abarca, nº8 under 2, 30850 Totana, Murcia.
Additionally, if users and / or customers do not wish to receive commercial or promotional offers by email from APARTAMENTOS LA BASTIDA, in addition to exercising the rights indicated above they can revoke their consent by sending an email to indicating in the field “ Subject ”the word“ Low ”.

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